Friday, February 11, 2011

Entry 00000111: Out with the Old...

So...   I've been off the radar for a few months, to make it through the Holidays.  The New Year is here! Or at least it came and went.  

I had to take a break from school this year.  It was interfering with work.  And so with the choice between providing for my family and realizing personal growth, the family won.  It wasn't much of a choice.  But the hours are starting to take their toll and I am worse for the wear.  Olivia says the single grey hair on my head has begun recruiting "friends".  Yikes!  Well, at least I'm not bald.   

In an EPIC decision, I have decided to quit playing WoW.  WOW!  
We'll see if I can let go, when that moment comes.  "The moment" you ask?  Yes -I actually have an ETA; sometime in July, assuming I can finish a chain of achievements that lead up to a much larger achievement called, "What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been".   And so it has been.    Even if I don't I porbably will quit playing.  I've made Blizzard rich enough.

In a bit of vindication, I found out that the reason my newly built PC was re-cycling at start up, was due to a safety mechanism built into the motherboard.   It checks the power throughout the hardware before allowing the system to boot.  So my build was correct. So that "feather" is going into the cap, with all the rest  :)
Well, I think that's about it for now.  I figured I better get back to blogging, as Olivia begins gearing up for the start of her own EPIC adventure.  Of course I'm along for the ride.  Check it out at


Unknown said...

Thanks Honey!!! I love you.

Joelq said...